How to install a different language ROM in you PDA
iPAQ 3900 series..
1.- Download the last ROM update for iPAQ 3900 series.
2.- Using Winzip, unpack the ROM update file.
3.- Run the program update utility until it asks to push the upgrade button.
4.- Without leaving the utility, open the .NBF file extracted from iPAQ update.
for 3975 English series is: NK_Windsor21010WWE.nbf
for 3970 Spanish series is: NK_Wisr210_14_ESP_BT.nbf
for 3955 English series is: NK_Windsor11010WWE.nbf
for 3950 Spanish series is: NK_Wisr111_01ESP_NBT.nbf
5.- Hex edit that file and you will find something like:
For 3975 English series.-
iPAQ 3900-WBT-ENG-2.10-2CF4...
For 3955 English series.-
iPAQ 3900-NBT-ENG-1.10-9673...
6.- Replace "ENG" with your current country code ("SPA" for Spanish, "FRE" for French, "GER" for German...).
7.- Replace the hex checksum value for the correct country checksum (see tables below).
ie: To change a 3970 from Spanish to English, change the 2cf4 for 2cfe
Use the tables below depending from wich ROMPAQ language you are downloading
from HP-Compaq download site:
Table 1: Languages for 3975 English ROMPAQ series:
Directory |
Language abbr. |
Hex-Codes |
Result & Calc. |
Checksum |
english |
"E" + "N" + "G" |
45 + 4E + 47 |
DA + 2c1a |
2cf4 |
german |
"G" + "E" + "R" |
47 + 45 + 52 |
DE + 2c1a |
2cf8 |
spanish |
"S" + "P" + "A" |
53 + 50 + 41 |
E4 + 2c1a |
2cfe |
french |
"F" + "R" + "E" |
46 + 52 + 45 |
DD + 2c1a |
2cf7 |
Table 2: Languages for 3955 English ROMPAQ series:
Directory |
Language abbr. |
Hex-Codes |
Result & Calc. |
Checksum |
english |
"E" + "N" + "G" |
45 + 4E + 47 |
DA + 9599 |
9673 |
german |
"G" + "E" + "R" |
47 + 45 + 52 |
DE + 9599 |
9677 |
spanish |
"S" + "P" + "A" |
53 + 50 + 41 |
E4 + 9599 |
967D |
french |
"F" + "R" + "E" |
46 + 52 + 45 |
DD + 9599 |
9676 |
Table 3: Languages for 3970 Spanish ROMPAQ series:
Directory |
Language abbr. |
Hex-Codes |
Result & Calc. |
Checksum |
english |
"E" + "N" + "G" |
45 + 4E + 47 |
DA + A0A3 |
A17D |
german |
"G" + "E" + "R" |
47 + 45 + 52 |
DE + A0A3 |
A181 |
spanish |
"S" + "P" + "A" |
53 + 50 + 41 |
E4 + A0A3 |
A187 |
french |
"F" + "R" + "E" |
46 + 52 + 45 |
DD + A0A3 |
A180 |
Table 4: Languages for 3950 Spanish ROMPAQ series:
Directory |
Language abbr. |
Hex-Codes |
Result & Calc. |
Checksum |
english |
"E" + "N" + "G" |
45 + 4E + 47 |
DA + C838 |
C912 |
german |
"G" + "E" + "R" |
47 + 45 + 52 |
DE + C838 |
C916 |
spanish |
"S" + "P" + "A" |
53 + 50 + 41 |
E4 + C838 |
C91C |
french |
"F" + "R" + "E" |
46 + 52 + 45 |
DD + C838 |
C915 |
To create more tables for other languages, use the following formula:
a) Download the ROMPAQ file.
(ie: if u want to change the language from English to French, download the French
b) Using Winzip, unpack the ROM update file.
c) HexEdit the .NBF file.
d) Locate the hex value for the Country Code.
(ie: for the French ROMPAQ is ebef).
e) Use Calc.exe in scientific mode (switch to hex) and type the original ROMPAQ
checksum minus the HexSum of the original language (DD for French).
result = ebef - DD
result = EB12 , then your French Table will be as follows:
Table 5
Directory |
Language abbr. |
Hex-Codes |
Result & Calc. |
Checksum |
english |
"E" + "N" + "G" |
45 + 4E + 47 |
DA + EB12 |
german |
"G" + "E" + "R" |
47 + 45 + 52 |
DE + EB12 |
EBF0 |
spanish |
"S" + "P" + "A" |
53 + 50 + 41 |
E4 + EB12 |
EBF6 |
french |
"F" + "R" + "E" |
46 + 52 + 45 |
DD + EB12 |
8.- Save and close the hex edit program.
9.- Rename the .NBF file acording to the correct country name:
ie: To change a 3970 from Spanish to English, rename the file
NK_Windsor21010WWE.nbf to NK_Windsor21010ESP.nbf
10.- Switch to the update utility program and push the update button.
NOTE: I used the above steps to change a 3970 from Spanish to English and
from English to Spanish and to change a 3955 from English to Spanish and from
Spanish to English so, i have not tested the rest of the codes from Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Warning: doing this you can void your warranty.
Another way to install a different language ROM in you PDA
iPAQ 3900 series..
1.- Download the latest ROM update for iPAQ 3900 series.
ie: To change a 3970 from Spanish to English, download the latest 3970 English ROM update.
2.- Using Winzip, unpack the ROM update file into a TEMP DIR.
3.- Use a Multi-Port/USB TTY program using the following Port Settings: 8-N-1, Flow Control: NONE, Parity: NONE
and place that program in the same DIR where you unpacked the ROM update.
4.- Put the device in "Serial Mode." To do this, press the POWER button, button 2 and the software reset button at the same time.
A bootloader screen should appear with the words "Serial" in the top center of the screen.
Place the device in the cradle. It should detect if you have USB or Serial and switch to the appropriate connection type.
If you are using USB, the device should have "USB" in the top center of the screen.
5.-Stop Activesync. To do this, check your running processes and kill WCESCOMM.EXE.
6.- RUN the MTTY Program and the first screen that pops up is the serial port configuration screen.
If you have your cradle connected with the USB, use the drop-down box and change the COM port to \\\WCEUSBSH001.
If you don't see this option then you probably didn't kill Activesync
Use the Port settings from the step #3.
This should take you to a terminal screen. Hit
7.- To update the ROM, from the ROM update files rename the file with the extension .NBK for nk.nb0 (its easier to type short names).
8.- At the terminal screen type "lnb nk.nb0" at the USB prompt. (That means: Load the ROM nk.nb0)
The upload should start and you should see asterisks and some sort of symbol.
It will let you know when it is finished.
The above steps where tested on iPAQs 3900 series ONLY..
Warning: doing this you can void your warranty.