PC Counselor's Software List

How to properly configure the Senao/Zonet WiFi Card in an iPaq h2215.

Thanks to Orby.

Don't place card in pda right away when you get it.

1. Download mfcce400.dll from https://www.bouncingtiger.com/drivers/mfcce400.zip and drop it into your pda's \windows\ directory.

2. You can install the drivers in the CD for Windows CE 4.0 that came with the Senao Card  or you can download and install the driver from https://download.eagletec.com/ET-CWB1000/ET-CWB1000PocketCE4.exe 

In some cases the drivers from Eagletec do not work well in some h221x not letting you to turn on the device while the card is connected.

3. Create a shortcut from \program files\prism wireless lan\prismsta.exe into your \windows\startup\ folder in the case you have installed the drivers for Eagletec

4. Softreset and place the wifi card in - it will prompt for the cf card name - give it PRISMNDS if you installed the drivers from Eagletec or wlannds.dll if you installed the drivers from the CD.

That's it - you should have a wifi icon down by the time that you can get status and set certain options with, and you use the built in windows software to handle ip\web\ssid stuff.

The eagletech driver is the newest of any driver I found on the web:
Network Driver
Config Utill 3.00.08
Softload Firmware

It seems to be a Windows CE 4.0 driver but works fine on WM2003 and seems to be a totally stock PRISM reference driver like the older 2.0.9 that was on their website before they pulled it.

If anyone knows of a newer driver with newer softload firmware - please post as I am interested in keeping up to date.

p.s. Pocketwarrior and winC both work fine with this driver on my 2210.

Shipping WordWide!


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