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PC Counselor's CTDVDData Update Page

(This page is for customers who purchased CTDVData v1.00 and would like to receive the update to version 1.10)

(Sólo para Usuarios que ya compraron CTDVDData v1.00 y quieren recibir la actualización a 1.10.)

This is not an automatic service, you will receive the update in a zip file (120kb) in less than 24 hours.

At this moment the only updates available are for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 in English. Please do not request any other version.

Software Name:

Nombre del Software:

At this moment only the English version is available.

Purchase date:

Fecha de Copra:

(Date format: 10/18/04 ) MM/DD/YY

Where did you buy it?

Dónde lo Compró?

In case of Other tell us where:

En caso de Otro diga donde:


Customer Name:

Nombre del Usuario

In the same way  that you used when you bought the


De la misma manera que lo uso para comprar el Software.

eMail Address:

Dirección de eMail


Your Update File will be sent to this email within 24 hours.

El archivo de actualización será enviado a este eMail en menos  de 24 horas.

Device Brand:

Marca del Dispositivo

Toshiba e740, HPiPaq 3950, Jornada 720, etc.
