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How many calories does it have...?
How Many Calories Does It Have?

CTFood v1.10

CTFood is a database of Nutrients with more than 6250 records. This database is using values from the USDA National Nutrient Database. Working with this tool you can easily find the calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, total fat of any of the listed foods, even more, now you can calculate these values for any desired food weight in grams or ounces.

Trial contains only 200 records.

Introductory Price: $12.99 






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Database error. Unable to open database\Program files\Ctxxxx\ctxxxxx.cdb

This error means that you installed the wrong version for your operating system. You can fix this by installing this tool from Microsoft. 



How do I find food high in Fiber?

Go to the second screen and click in the button Filter. Once there define a filter in the same way it's shown in the screen shot on the left. You will find a list of 48 foods with values of fiber greater than 15 grams in every 100 grams of food. 

Why I can't find any record for Pizza if I use the search button?

In fact there are 33 records about PIZZA in CTFood database! The Search button look for the few letters in the name of the food, and in many cases the word that you are looking for is located within the name but not in the first place. 

Then, how to look? 

The best way is creating a filter looking for a word within the name of the food in the way it's shown in the screen shot on the left. Select from the list of fields "Food", in the second field select "contains", and in the 3er field type the word that you are looking for, in this case "pizza".

What about if I need a food with a higher Fiber but the lowest possible calories?
You can set a combined filter. Go to Options screen and click on filter. In the first field select the field called "calories", in the second "=" and type 5.00.

Then click OK, and you will get a list of food. You can adjust the limits for Calories and Fiber until you get the result you are looking for. 

How do I find a food high in Protein?
Set a filter like the one shown in the screen shot on the left where you are looking in the field Protein for values greater  than 50 grams. As a result you will get a list of 27 products. 

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