PC Counselor's Software List

   CTZipCode for Windows Mobile 2003.

CTZipCode v1.00

CTZipCode is a database of Zip Codes in the United States and its territories to which the US Postal Service delivers mail. The database contains the 5-digit ZIP code, city name, state abbreviation, county name, primary telephone area code, time zone, and daylight saving time flag, Latitude and Longitude for each of the 43,992  ZIP code defined by the USPS. The City Name field included in our database identifies a city name associated with the ZIP code by the USPS but there may be several different city names associated with a particular ZIP code.

This application allows you to edit current information with any changes you think are pertinent or adding new records in case you know about any new ZIP Code that may be was not included in this edition.

$12.00 Buy it from PocketGear(ARM)

$9.99 Buy it from Handango(ARM) 

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