Pocket Hack Master Updates

The Ultimate Overclock Utility for XScale.

Developed by Anton Tomov

Reviewed by PC Counselor


Note: This review will be updated with any new changes in the program. 

Last Updated: October 14, 2004 05:46 PM -0700



Starting from version 1.99 a code was added to display a bubble after any speed change. The behavior of this notification can be changed going to Start\Settings\Sound & Notifications. 




Added a slider to change the settle down of CPU load. This slider determines the speed with which the CPU load decreases. The default values should work for most of the users.




Added a threshold slider in the Scale section. It is used to set different triggering values when the CPU is increasing it's load or when the load is decreasing. Also changed the behavior of the sliders - the selection (blue bar) now shows the min and max value of the trigger.



Now you can find more information in the own Pocket Hack Master Web Page.





If the A/C throttle is checked PHM will change the speed of your PDA to your Maximum speed set at the Scale menu if your pda is connected to the power supply. The Fetch button change the speed of the CPU to the current speed (useful if you are changing the settings but you don't want to apply them).





This is what Anton Tomov explains about the new options in the Scale screen:


"I've added manual settings for normalizing the CPU load. These are the 3 buttons named N1, N2 and N3 beside the scrollbars.

N1 determines the ratio between RED state speed and BLUE state speed

N2 determines the ratio between RED state speed and GREEN state speed

N3 determines the ratio between RED state speed and YELLO state speed

The normalization works in the following way:

When the CPU state changes to BLUE, GREEN or YELLOW, Hack Master will use the corresponding Nx value to normalize the speed. For example if a program loads the CPU at 25% when running at 400 MHz RED state and the same program loads the CPU at 50% when running at 200 MHz GREEN state, the normalization value for N2 should be 200% (25% x 200% = 50%).

Next version of Hack Master should be able to auto benchmark these values automatically and set them.


To give you an example how to work with the manual multipliers, here is what I did.

I mapped the following speeds to my scale speeds:


I then turned off the scale option, manually selected the RED speed value (400 MHz TURBO), opened the Scale tab to see the CPU load and run an mp3 player. I got 32% load.

Then I changed to the lower speed (YELLOW, 300 MHz RUN) and did the same. The load now was 45%

GREEN and BLUE speed gave me 60% and 90% respectively.

The I calculated the values for N:

N3 = 45 / 32 * 100 = 140%
N2 = 60 / 32 * 100 = 187%
N1 = 90 / 32 * 100 = 281%

Then I set the 3 sliders to 75% meaning that the next gear will shift if the CPU gets loaded more than 75%.

You can use the check box next to the CPU load indicator to see the normalized load for the current CPU state.

The good part is that now I can implement the "Profiles" feature. The normalization values above are "MP3 Profile" for example. A game will load the CPU differently and may have different Nx values.

I also changed the behavior of the Settle and Latency sliders. The Settle slider now allows much faster settle time (more to the right means faster settle). The latency slider now gives more latency (the most right position is 2 minutes settle time, the most left is 1 second settle time)

Also the CPU load is now measured each second (was 4 times per second in previous versions) to further minimize the CPU load caused by measuring code. If you don't want to use normalization, just set the value of all Nx settings to 100%.



New Scale calculation routine. Sliders now show the normalized and denormalized (blue are) values.



The image above is for my current configuration which is:

IDLE = 100 MHz RUN

N1 = 224%
N2 = 176%
N3 = 113%

The values of N are based on mp3 playback benchmarks.




Added a new experimental (still under testing) option called "HP ROM Fix" that tries to avoid the changing of the CPU speed caused by the new v1.10 and v2.10 ROM updates for HP iPAQs. This option increases the priority of the thread that measures the CPU load and will try to prevent the device from going into idle state.


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