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NetFront v3.0

In association with Handango and TodoPocketPC.

Title NetFront 3 for PPC
Author Access
Seller Handango


Every  Pocket PC owner occasionally has tried to browse Internet, just to see how is possible from this tiny engineer wonder that is a Pocket PC. But is very frustrating  to discover that one thing is to browse Internet from our PC and another from our PPC, but all this has changed with the release to the market of  NetFront 3 for Pocket PC.


What makes NetFront better?


NetFront v3.0
for Pocket PC
Internet Explorer
DynamicHTML Part of DOM Level1 and Level2, DynamicHTML No
Script ECMAScript 3rd Edition
(JavaScript 1.5 equivalent)
WindowsCE JScript
CSS Part of CSS 1 and 2 No
Security SSL 2.0/3.0, TLS1.0 (128bit) SSL 2.0/3.0, PCT, SGC
Cookie Yes Yes
Multi-windows Yes (tab toggle) No
Bookmarks Yes Yes
Page memo storage Yes No
File download/upload Yes No
External application helper Yes No
Zoom Yes No
Image save Yes No
Auto-cruise Yes No


NetFront has the latest specifications recommended by W3C (markup-language standardization organization):

These two points make the experience of browsing from a PPC as good as  browsing from a PC using Internet Explorer.


Personal Java support (option)

The addition of Java plug-in and JV-Lite2 Personal Edition for Pocket PC allow you to access to almost 99% of all web pages you can find in the web. 



During the testing of the program I visit the Spanish Web Site TodoPocketPc  which was showing a very nice effect of falling snow for Christmas (check the above picture), this effect was created using Javascript and Dynamic HTML content. 


Accessing Secured Web Pages.


The majority of banks request from you to use an Internet Explorer version greater than 5.0, some of them even check the SO used by you. To gain access to these Banks I had to change the identity (also called User Agent) of NetFront . 



To do that you have to go to: Browser Setting, Advance Setting and change the default string by Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 

The last picture shows how I was able to open my Discover Credit Card account using this trick. The small lock icon in the top bar is telling you that your are using a secured connection. 

I have to say that in some banks that use a very complex menu systems the screens are not rendered correctly so it's very difficult to use all options and as result it's impossible to use the online banking services. So you will have to check if your Bank is one of them. 


Multi Windows 


This is another wonderful option of this browser. NetFront allows you to have more than one windows open at the time. 



Just go to any link and hold the stylus on top of it for a few seconds, then select Open in a New Windows...




Another great feature. Using the zoom option you can check in a second entire content of the page. 




Wrap Content


Sometime is not so easy to read a page using PIE and you have to move the horizontal scroll bar from left to right and right to left to do it possible. NetFront allows you to wrap the content so it can be read easily. To test this option I went to my page dedicated to Toshiba e740.





There are other options in Netfront that are as important as  these mentioned here. But in my opinion the above mentioned are those that put Netfront in the list of my favorite applications.


I highly recommend this software to any user who need Internet while in the road or just while sitting in front of the TV at home. 





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*NetFront is a registered trademark of ACCESS Co., Ltd. in Japan.
*NetFront is a registered trademark of NetFront Communications, Inc. in the United States and is used under a license from NetFront Communications, Inc. in the United States.