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HP iPaq H221x

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Last Update: October 18, 2004 06:57 PM

I have seen reports in this and other forums about people who has lost all the information in their SD Card. All of them with one thing in common. They are h2215 owners and they have installed the latest ROM from HP version 1.10 (I have found a few users reporting to have problems with the old ROM v1.00 too)
Just a few days after releasing the ROM version 1.10 HP has released a new SDIO driver which makes me believe that they found a major bug in the  initialization of the SD card. I believe that this bug is the one that caused the lost of data in all these users. 
Here is a list of threads reporting problems that I believe are relative to the same problem (bug):
Add to these reports one from one of my beta testers for Tweaks2k2. I have been checking this case in the last 12 hours and I really believe that the ROM v1.10 has a serious bug in the SDIO driver. 

Why HP does not upgrade h2215s to SE

The answer is here in a document released by HP explaining the reasons behind this decision. 

Well, they said the reason: size. One of the MVPs got a 2215 updated with a beta releases of SE, given to him by HP. He lost half of his RAM, no Nevo, no BT Manager. Is that we want for our h2215s? Clearly No.

I personally should had think about the fact that the ROM in the h2215 was very short before I bought mine. Now I'm buying the hx4700 where they can't give me that excuse any more for a long time... I hope. 

Windows Mobile 2003 SE Online Petition for iPaqs, please specify your model.

h2215 is not going to be updated to Windows Mobile 2003 SE

According to this Official Statement, HP is not going to release SE for any of the current Pocket PCs in the market. This bad move (in my opinion) will cost HP many loyal customers. Take in consideration than many of the h2215 current owners left Toshiba because of the same situation when this company refused to update their e740 to 2003. Well  my friends... I guess that it's time to get a new Pocket PC from another company and make HP pay for this big mistake.  

KeybSkin v1.0.0

Now you can select from 9 different skin colors for you default Windows Mobile 2003 keyboard. This program will detect the Pocket PC language and select between English and Spanish keyboard skins.

Change the Wait Symbol of your H221x (FREEWARE)

CTCursors allows you to change the Wait Cursor or Symbol from Pocket PCs running Pocket PC 2002 or Windows Mobile 2003 (No SE). 24 Wait cursors available in this version. (Screen shot)

iPAQ 2200 Series Hi-Capacity Replacement Battery (25%-35% More Battery Life)

PDAParts is selling a new H-Capacity battery for 2215s. I guess that's the reason why the new ROM v1.1 added support for extended batteries. So before you buy one of these do not forget to update your ROM. (Source: PocketAddict)

Patch to fix the BT Issue between iPaq 1940/2215 and Nokia 6820 Phone/6230 (beta)
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series SDIO Driver Update
version 1.0 (8 Apr 04)

* Limits the power consumption a SDIO card or peripheral can draw during standby or sleep mode.
* Fixes SD Card initialization issue.


All h2215 owner should read this!

Can the PocketPCTechs Anodized Aluminum Grips be used with an InnoPocket Aluminum Case? 

You can find the answer here.

Senao/Zonet WiFi CF Card

I got tired of browsing the web using my BT connection so I decided to buy a WiFi card. Knowing that I'm planning to buy a new PPC  soon  I decided to go and look for the cheapest one that I can find on the web and that's how I found this one, the Senao/Zonet WiFi Card for around 36 dollars. I did some research and thanks to Orby at BrightHand Forum I found the best way to configure this card in Windows Mobile 2003 with the latest drivers. 

h2215 is not compatible with the new GPS from Acore Technology Inc

Acording to Thomas Thorp, Editor of SoftMag, "It is the AG-600 Bluetooth receiver. It works very good on a laptop with bluetooth, but on ipaq h2210 it still have truble with the bluetooth. As Acore told us that ipaq h2210 got problems with the virtual port."

HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series ROM Update
version 1.10 (15 Mar 04)
(It seems like the notification database bug has been fixed in this update even when there is not mention about it at HP's site).
Issues  reported with Nokia 6820 and 6230 phones when attempting to pair with the iPaq 1940 or 2210 PDA.

Technical Note Interop Issue between iPaq 1940/2215 and Nokia 6820 Phone
Document # BTW-PROJ-TECHNOTES-040218-1545
February 18, 2004
Version 1.0
Nokia 6820 Phone
Wireless Internet and Data Communication
© Copyright 2000-2004. All rights reserved.
9645 Scranton Road, Suite 205
San Diego, CA 92121
Voice: (858) 453-8400 Fax: (858) 453-5735
Email : [email protected] or [email protected]


In line with WIDCOMM’s policy of providing the most up-to-date information to our customers, we are providing the following information.

Having problems performing pairing with an iPaq 1940/2210 PDA and a Nokia 6820 Phone and you continually get an error similar to “Cannot pair devices for security reasons”?

This is a Hardware issue and not a software issue related to the WIDCOMM BTW-CE Product. The reason for this problem is as follows:

There are two types of keys that can be used for pairing:
- Combination keys
- Unit keys

The key type that is used is pre-set in the Bluetooth Radio Firmware. The WIDCOMM BTW-CE Bluetooth software does not control this setting. The radio on the iPaq 1940 uses unit keys by default. The Nokia 6820 phone rejects the use of unit keys in pairing because it is not as secure as combination keys.

This issue has been reported with Nokia 6820 and 6230 phones when attempting to pair with the iPaq 1940 or 2210 PDA.

Update (04/21/2004): Good friends have found and have sent me a Unofficial beta patch that fix this problem in 221x and h194x (check reports at these forums Expansys and BrightHand). I'm posting the this patch here but be aware that this is a beta patch so you are responsible for anything that could happen to your iPaq. Download.

iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series may require a Normal Reset to power-on the device
After removing the iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series from the packaging and inserting the main battery, the device may not automatically power-on after connecting the device to A/C power. You may also experience this after the device has received a Full Reset.
The Getting Started guide that ships with your iPAQ Pocket PC provides the following instructions:
STEP 1: Install the battery
STEP 2: Charge the unit
All iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series.
HP has updated the initial start-up instructions and included an Addendum card inside all future shipping iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series. This card provides instructions of the change in the installation steps. You are instructed to perform a Normal Reset * prior to connecting the device to A/C power. 

* Normal Reset? This term is confuse and it seems to me that they wanted to say a Soft Reset.

iPAQ 2200 Replacement Side Covers 
Tired of the OEM side covers falling apart or even worse, falling off? PocketPCTech has tooled Anodized aircraft quality aluminum side covers that screw on. Guaranteed not to fall off! They have two finger grips and are textured for extra gripping power. This is a complete kit with tools & instructions. (Don't forget to get a 10% discount when you enter the code BHAND in the special instructions/discount code field. )
How to change the ROM language

Update: I found this other method that can be used to change the ROM language and it seems to me easier. 

Take Control of Your Pocket PC Today!
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series ROM Update
version 1.01 (15 Jan 04)
20 % discount on Tweaks2k2 for PayPal users! (Offer expires on January 2nd, 2004)
HP compatibility chart for Bluetooth® wireless technology
Krussel Case for h2215 for just $22.99
Add USB 1.1 Host downstream port to your h2215 (wm2k3 drivers here)
Aluminum Case at Moonlight for just 29.99 dollars, shipping to anywhere in the world!
Extended 3600 mah battery for h2215
Click here to view the Video to Remove/Replace the h2200 Side Grip.

How to dump the h2215 ROM  into your Storage Card

There is another discussion in BrightHand about this same topic.

HP iPAQ Pocket PC 2003 Bluetooth Driver Update
version (4 Nov 03)

HP Mobile Printing for PPC v2.0

What is new?

• Job queueing capability
• Native Pocket Excel (.pxl) printing support
• Microsoft Excel (.xls) printing support within HPMP for PPC
• Microsoft Server ActiveSync support
• Ability to change amount of information logged through logging levels
• New Job Status user interface
• New printer configuration and selection user interface
• Improvements to the document rendering capabilities
• Embedded on-line survey to capture customer's input more effectively
• Automatic detection of Westtek ClearVue version compatibility

Do it your self: Perfect card mount for 20 dollars

15% discount at Handango for Tweaks2k2 and 3X HangGirl

Promotion Code: D7EEB7
Expiration Date: 01/02/2004
Percent Discount: 15 %
Buy it Now!

MSN Messenger Updates for Pocket PCs and Pocket PC Phone Editions

As part of the MSN® Messenger Update, which ensures that our customers have the latest security and privacy protections when using the .NET Messenger Service, all .NET Messenger Service clients, including Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs and Pocket PC Phone Editions, are required to update to compliant versions of MSN Messenger client service software by October 15, 2003.

AvantGO issue workaround

The first time that you select the AvantGO option in your ActiveSync it will copy a few dlls to your PPC in the next synchronization but for some reason, in some cases it does not do that. So basically, this solution does is to enforce the installation of those files.

Like I said, it's easy to find out if AvantGO is installed in a brand new PPC, all you have to do is look for the avantgo.dll in the \Windows folder. You wont find this file. Supposedly by checking the box in AS this files and other two or three dlls will be copied to your PPC, but for some reason this does not happens always, and that's the reason why you find people complaining about AvantGO not working in PPCs with WM2k3.

What to do?

reinstall the Avantgo client in your PC.

Then uncompress this zip file and copy the CAB file to \Temp in your PPC.

Click on top of the cab file, it will ask you if you want to replace some files, say no to all.

After that, go to ActiveSync, avantgo properties, and fill your name and password there, and select the option to refresh all.

40 dollars mail-in rebate coupon on Socket Wi-Fi CF Cards

If you are smart enough to use this link you can get the best WiFi CF Card in the market for as low as 80 dollars.

2215 autopsy 


HP Tech Support Site for all devices.

HP Tech Support Site for h2215

HP Tech Support Site for h2210

HP iPAQ h2200 Series Self Test Application

This application is not included in h2215 with a different than English ROM Language.

Do you need more RAM?

What about to increase your RAM in 64 More MB. This procedure requires a proprietary driver and at the end what you get is another extra Storage Drive called Hi-Speed T2T Disk but anyway it could be a good solution for those who need more memory space.

iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series screen may turn solid white after normal reset

If the 4-digit PIN password is enabled on your iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series, the screen will turn solid white upon returning from a Normal Reset.


NOTE: When the screen turns white, do not perform another Normal Reset. If you do, you will be stuck in a Normal Reset loop as the screen will again turn white 1/2 way through loading.

Even though the status screen turns solid white, be assured that the iPAQ is still performing the boot sequence. The screen will remain white for approximately 10 seconds and you will then be prompted to enter your password. No system performance decrease or data loss will be caused as a result of this situation.

HP is investigating this issue and will update this Customer Advisory when a permanent resolution has been determined. In the meantime, wait approximately 10 seconds to allow the iPAQ Pocket PC to finish loading despite the screen becoming solid white.

For more information check HP Website.

PDA Panache Deluxe Stylus Upgrade for your HP iPAQ™ 2210/2215-series PocketPC™.

- Fits in your iPAQ's stylus holder just like the original.
- More mass and better balance then stock stylus for a great feel in your hand.
- Finger grip area for more writing comfort and tapping control.
- Includes a handy refillable ink pen hidden under the screw-off top cap.


Wireless Ethernet Hidden Icon in h2215

I don't know exactly why this icon has been hidden in our h2215 in other PPCs it is shown in Settings\Connection screen.

To add the icon all you have to do is to open the registry and look for this key:


then change Hide from 1 to 0, and soft reset your unit.

This trick has been included in the latest version of Tweaks2k2.

Right there in ControlPanel you will find another key called BlueTooth and a subkey called Redirect, if you rename that Subkey to xRedirect and then soft reset your PPC, you will get a new BlueTooth icon in that same connections screen on settings. Unfortunately that applet does not work because all the options are disabled.

The best BlueTooth connection guide for h221x.

The above link sends you to a web where you will find everything you need to know to do everything you can do with your BlueTooth in your iPaq. Thanks Peppe for giving us such a good guide. I'm currently using the Encore BT3030 dongle from Tecom and the drivers from bluewireless in a Windows XP Pro and I would recommend to anyone looking for a Bluetooth dongle to buy this one. It works perfectly and the range is great and the drivers are much better than the originally shipped with the dongle.

Looking for a web page just about iPaqs?

Dave's iPaq

Where I can buy a case for h221x?

Aluminum Case at Moonlight for just 29.99 dollars

Krussel Case at Moonlight for just 22.99 dollars (Krusell)

iHolster2200 with Belt Clip (aluminum case with Rhinoclip™ removable post and belt clip system - Rhino:Skin)

More information in this forum.

More Links in this forum

h2210/15 Benchmark and Battery Life Tests under Overclocking conditions  

Overclocking your h2210/5: 

So far I have tested two software:


Pocket Hack Master ($9.99) (Review) (More information about this utility can be found in this forum), you can take a full control of the overclocking process, changing the parameters in any way you like (the end result could be a hard reset so be prepared). All speeds shown as radio buttons has been tested and are safe.


XCPUScalar 400 by ImmierSoft ($12.95) : I tested this software in all possible speeds and it works fine, its safe and it's very easy to use, I would say ideal for somebody without a deep tech background.


In both above mentioned software the maximun speed stable is 472 MHz/PXBus=236 MHz (L=32, M=4, N=1), I have tested 528 MHz/PXBus=264 MHz (36x4x1) and it seems to be stable in my h2215 but... this is not what other have reported in some forums. So before you use this speed create a full backup in case you have to hard reset your unit. 


During my testing of these tools I found that in the case of the XScale processor PXA255 a lower speed than 400 MHz means a reduction of the PXBus (less than 199 MHz) and that will result in less battery life depending of what is the CPU Load at the moment. So, a lower speed that's not means always more battery life.

HP Care Pack Services for Pocket PCs and HandHelds. (1-800-407-6210)

Where I can buy an USB Sync-Charger cable for H221x?  for $15.50 for $9.95
Note: iPaq 3800/3900 power accessories are compatible with the 2210/2215.

BTW, this could be another device that you should buy: Universal USB Travel Charger Adapter for $8.99

Pocket Backup for iPAQ 2200 Patch (07/28/03)

Scheduled backups do not occur at the specified time, but rather occur the next time I turn on my Pocket PC after the scheduled time. Also, my device sometimes switches itself off when I have the battery monitor enabled. Why?

This problem is caused by an incompatibility between certain versions of Pocket Backup and iPAQ Backup and the Pocket PC operating system 'Windows Mobile 2003'. We currently only have available a patch for the version of iPAQ Backup that comes in ROM for HP iPAQ devices.

Windows Mobile 2003 Soft Reset Bug!

Every time you soft reset your unit 3 records are added into a system database called DB_notify_events. After 30 soft resets the system will start to act unstable and starting from 50 soft resets you will have difficulties synchronizing your device. All the above described problems can be fixed by installing this software from ScaryBear Software. You can find more information about this topic in this forum.

How to setup your Bluetooth network!

If you have problems trying to connect your H221x to your Bluetooth Network this is an article that you should read.

HP iPaq 2215: PC Magazine Editor's Choice (June 23, 2003)

"Overall, the h2210 is our favorite of all the new devices, because it combines small size, powerful components, and impressive hardware and software features."



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