"...we can see that almost all these hacks are useful or even mandatory. This kind of tool facilitate and secure the modifications performed in the registry by changing automatically these settings without using a registry editor or to know what needs to be changed. Great application which will certainly evolve with new hacks. - Henri Spagnolo"  You can read his full review here.

"Tweaks2K2 is an excellent, well written application that does as advertised.  The tweaks that are available are not simply “parlor tricks” but are useful and enhance the user experience with their HPC. - Clinton Fitch "  Full review here (pdf format).

5 Cows
Tweaks2k2 v0.6a for HPC 2000 Devices (ARM and MIPS).

Tweaks2k2 for HPC2000 v0.6a (ARM & MIPS)

Tweaks2K2 is the ultimate easy to use software for hacking your HPC Registry, the biggest collection of hacks with 31 different registry tricks and 2 screens with important information about your pda. With tricks that nobody has seen before in any other tweaks application for HandHeld PC. 

Hacks in this version:

1-Select a system font from fonts installed in your device
2-Italic System Font
3-Bold System Font
4-Animated Windows
5-Change the system font size
6-Speed up the Display
7-Card battery warning
8-Scroll Bars Dimensions
9-HPC Identification Patch
10-Right-Click (Alt+Tap) in Terminal Server Client
11-Identify PIE as IE 5.5
12-Identify PIE as IE 6.0
13-Move PIE temp files to any of your storage cards
14-Max TCP windows size
15-Re-Map the front buttons in the Jornada 720/728 to skip files. 
16-Show/Hide My HandHeld PC icon in the Desktop
17-Show/Hide Control Panel icon in the Desktop
18-Show/Hide Recycle Bin icon in the Desktop
19-Show/Hide Databases icon in the Desktop
20-Show/Hide My HandHeld PC icon in My HandHeld PC Folder
21-Show/Hide Control Panel icon in My HandHeld PC Folder
22-Show/Hide Recycle Bin icon in My HandHeld PC Folder
23-Show/Hide Databases icon in My HandHeld PC Folder

24-Change in the calendar the start of the working day 
25-Change in the calendar the end of the working day 
26-Change in the calendar the free days in the week 

27-Smooth Scroll of Web Page using IE

28-To allow users to change the Auto-Suspend time to any desired value in minutes 

29-Show Network Folder

30-Map a Network Drive *
31-UnMap a Network Drive *

* - New options added in version 0.6, these tricks never have seen before in any other Tweaker, added support for MIPS processor.

Policy Update.
The upgrade policy is "Life Time free upgrades". 

Tech Support.
This application has been tested to ensure that this is a safe process but due to the installation of other software your registry could be changed and be different than a normal windows registry, so we recommend a FULL backup of your PDA before you start to use this tool. 

For any question you can contact us using our Tech Support Contact Form or thru our web site www.pc-counselor.com . If your are having any difficulties during the purchasing process please contact the administration of the web site from where you are purchasing Tweaks2k2.

How to Register your copy?
To Register your copy fill this form. As soon as a confirmation of payment has been received from the web site from where you purchased Tweaks2k2, a key No. 2 to unlock Tweaks2k2 will be sent to you. Warning: The Key No. 1 is generated according to the owner information which appears in the Owner Screen in the Control Panel of your HPC.

I want to say thanks to everyone who, in one way or another, helped me in this project. Thanks to my testers, friends and family.

Frank J. García
PC Counselor.


Graphic Designer: Alberto Calva


Prefer Method


Buy it from Handango( Affiliated link)

Buy it from PocketGear

Trial Version and Update (0.6a): Desktop Installation. , Cab files Only: ARM, MIPS.  

The trial version only will run 3 times, please undo any undesired trick in the last time. Undo Option is not available. 

Registration Page.

Known issues

Some users have reported problems after the installation of bSquare Script utility, you can fix this problem by installing and running HPCeVBFix by PC Counselor

Users have reported that Tweaks2k2 don't work any more after installing a "modified" version of Acrobat Reader. To fix that problem please visit HPC Factor and install the file called HPC:Factor Microsoft MFC Global Redist.          

Warning: Some users have reported Hard Reset after using the soft reset function in Jornadas 728 the majority of the very few cases. It seem that the Hard Reset occurs if the Jornada is connected to the cradle when the soft reset function from my program is used. Please do a full backup of your unit before use the soft reset.

Screen Shots

These tricks in the calendar application never have seen before in any other Tweaker!!!


These tricks never have seen before in any other Tweaker for HPC2000!!!

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