Mugen Power 4500mAh BATTERY
Changing a default item in the iTASK Settings menu can lock all application buttons on the HP iPAQ Pocket PC hx4700 series (More Info)(11/19/2004)
My Docware Pictures
For Developers: Code Solution for Invisible tool bar icons in SE and ImageList initialization error in hx4700s.
Many of my fellow developers have been looking for a solution for the first and lately for the second issue. Both issues in some way are relative and are clearly a bug in Microsoft Compact Framework. Doing some research in the web looking for different ways to initialize an ImageList object during the form load time I found a way that fix the SE icons invisibility issue and the initialization error present in hx4700 when the BitMap Cache parameter of the ATI driver is enabled. So basically, there is not need to disable the bitmap cache to avoid the error in hx4700s if you use this method to initialize the ImageList component.
To easily understand the process I have prepared a C# and VB .NET projects that can be downloaded here.
My advice to new Owner
This is something that I believe that all new owners should read before they start to install programs in any Pocket PC.
.NET Programs fail to work in hx4700
.NET applications with toolbars could fail to run in hx4700. You can test this issue by uncompressing this file and running the EXE in your hx4700. If you get an error message after running this test you should uncompress, copy and run in your hx4700 this little program that will fix this issue present in all new hx4700s.
PocketNow's Review - A ton of good pictures and information.
"Overall, this Pocket PC is a real gem. The 4" VGA screen makes me never want to look at a different Pocket PC screen again. VGA is definitely the future of these devices, make no mistake about it." - Derek Snyder
Recommended Software
Screen Capture
Today Screen Lauchers
Task Managers
Magic Button (freeware)
HandySwitcher ($4.99) 
vBar (Freeware)
WiFi Sniffers
- WiFi Graph by Kasuei Consultant Group (Freeware -
- WiFifoFum (freeware -
Today Screen Themes
Remote Control Software (no hardware needed at all but the IR port is located at the bottom of your hx4700 so you may need a program like RotateSE180)
Total Remote ($24.00)
Vito Remote ($15.95)
Scientific Calculator
SpaceTime ($14.95) 
Memmaid ($11.99) 
HandyMenu ($5.99)
Pocket Hack Master ($14.95) (The Maximum possible speed at this moment is 663 MHz. The latest version tested has stability issues. Very flexible and powerful tool. Recommended for advance users.)
XCPUScalar ($15.95) (Very easy to use OC utility)
Calligrapher ($29.95) 
Resco File Explorer ($24.99) 
SE_VGA Demo (Freeware) 
Note: None of the OC tools tested by me so far are completely stable in the hx4700. Some times they work for many days without any problem and they suddenly they lock the device in a way that a hard reset is needed to get control of it again. This is my personal experience and could differ from the experiences of others. Please create a daily backup before you use any OC.
Other Programs
BetaPlayer (Freeware) 
Recommended Hardware and Accessories
hx4700 Cases
- ($17.00 ~ $50) - great variety.
- ($23) - This company is based in Honk Kong and sells using eBay.
- (~$60.00) - Very good quality cases but very very expensive.
Timbuk2 padded strap pouch ($20.00) - This is a very good solution if you are thinking that may be in the future you will buy accessories (extended battery, GPRS, GPS) that will change the shape of your PPC.
iPaq Bi-Fold Leather Case - H4700 - ($21.99) - It seems like this case allows you to use the flip cover.
PielFrama (~ $49.00) - Does not allow you to use the flip cover.
J&R's Shoreline PDA pouch - (~$10.00) - . It's a very simple universal case.
- ($8.99)
Screen Protectors
- Boxwave -
- PocketSolutions - More Info here.
- Javoedge
- PPCTechs
- (Washables and Reusables)
- TomTom Navigator 2004 USA
Tweaks2K2 .NET does not work after installing it in hx4700.
Update (10/1/2004): Version 2.7 has been prepared to avoid this problem.
FAQ from HP site
CNET Review
hx4700 Waterproof Case
HP iPAQ hx4700 Pocket PC Options & accessories
VGA Devices (Comparison table)
CNET hx4700 Video and where to buy.
PDAGold Reviews hx4700
It's a little smaller than a Toshiba e800.
HP iPAQ hx4700 series Pocket PC
QuickSpecs Revision 1 - Monday, July 26, 2004
hx4700 and PI questions and answers by PI Maker
You can read a very good thread about this new coming device in this forum.
Where to buy and Better Deals Thread at BrightHand.
So far (7/28) the best deal that I have found was at where I preorder mine for $615 including shipping.
PC Magazine reviews the hx4700.
"HP's new iPAQ hx4700 is a clear case of software not living up to the hardware: With a VGA screen and 624-Mhz processor, the hx4700 is a sleek, gorgeous, and powerful handheld computer that's waiting for the right software to make it really shine."