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Last Update: October 18, 2004 04:41 PM

For all registry tricks I recommend to use 

PHM Registry Editor

Latest Tweaks2k2 Version: 0.6 (07/11/2002)

Websites about HPC: HANDHELD ADDICT, HPC Factor.com, Raul Lucky's 720/728 website, Henri's j7xx Pages, Spanish Forum for HPC at TPPC, MaximumHPC

Tweaks2k2 v0.6 released for HPC2000 using ARM and MIPS processors.

This program allows you to create hot keys and edit the existent on your HPC2000. Something that really safe time when your are trying to run your favorite application. 

To map a network drive permanently download and install NetTools from here. From that package only will work the Net.exe and the Ping.exe tools. These tools are command line tools so to run them, go to start, run, type cmd and hit ok. You will get a windows with a DOS prompt, using the DOS commands go to the folder where the NetTools where installed and there run the net.exe,  to map the C: drive on my PC (share name CDRIVE), I used the following line:


The advantage of using the Net.exe is that the just mapped drive will be listed for ever in the Network folder. 

If you find all this a little bit complicated, just use Tweaks2k2.


In this way you can have all the system files storage in the same folder or in different folders depending of what do you need. 


Warning: If you have Nyditot Virtual Display installed it wont work fine if the aygshell file is found as a System File, the solution is to delete the folder path in your SystemPath Multi-String value before you use Nyditot Virtual Display, and put it back when you finish to use it. For those applications that need the Nyditot Virtual Display and the aygshell.dll file at the same time, the only solution is to save the aygshell.dll file in the same folder where the PPC2002 application is located. Another solution  could be the one recommended by a friend of mine, AbelNT, just copy all your PPC2002 applications into one folder, all of them together with the aygshell.dll, doclist.dll, mfcce30x.dll and gx.dll, this method though  less organized has the same results and does not create any problem with Nyditot Virtual Display 

Please Read this Note

CTDVDData Now available for HPC2000 devices! 

CTDrugs v1.10

CTDrugs is a tool designed to display the drug data information compiled by Dr Jason Wolfe. 

New HPC page for Spanish speaking users!

Todo Pocket PC one of the biggest and most important sites in the Spanish Pocket PC world has opened a new section to talk all about HPCs: Zona HandHeld PC. 

Henri's j7xxkeys, a really must have.

PVBload won't load

Error: ...file *vb is no application associated...
Run the application first, then try to open this file from within the application

According to vbregfix documentation: "When eVB programs are created with an installation program using the default settings in the Microsoft eVB development package, they include all the eVB runtime DLLs and the DLLs for any controls they use such as the tree control. When such a program is installed, it copies over the DLL’s, replacing the ones in ROM, adding the control DLLs which are not in ROM, and registers them all in the PocketPC registry. This is OK so far. The problem comes when you have more than one eVB program installed and you uninstall one which was created as described above. When such a program is uninstalled, it removes the DLL’s and unregisters them as part of the normal uninstall."

 So... after you have uninstalled a eVB application the rest of those kind application wont work anymore in your HPC. Up to this moment, We did not have any program to fix this kind of problem in our HPC, the only one was the vbregfix created for Pocket PC and it does not run in HPC2000.

But... recently I created a program for HPC2000 to fix this problem: HPCeVBfix (This program is a freeware, a gift from me to the HPC2000 community)

Network folder in your File Explorer (Updated 07/09/03)

Just open the HPC registry and look for this key:


Create a new folder called REDIR and a REG_DWORD value called RegisterFSRoot and make it equal 1. After a soft reset you will find a new folder in your File Explorer ;)


I have found a new Web page (thanks to the hint of a friend of mine, enjoy720) offering a new GAPI solution for HPC. I have tested it with RealOne and it works :D

Microsoft Portrait 2.1 released!

Finally! Macromedia Flash 6 running in a J720.

I tried once but did not get it right, now another fan, Fernando Ruiz has found a final solution for this program or add for our old Internet Explorer. This is what he did:

  1. Install Macromedia for PPC in to your HPC

  2. Move the \windows\macromedia\Flash.dll to your PC.

  3. With the same hex editor replace: aygshell.dll by ceshell.dll and cellcore.dll by serial.dll
    WARNING: Copy the flash.dll to the Windows folder (not to \Windows\Macromedia\flash)

  4. Using a program called regsvrce.exe (which is included in the Tweaks2k2 installation) register the flash.dll (\Windows\Flash.dll)

That's all you need to do.


This is a little application that will allow you to have as many fonts installed in your storage card as space available you have on it. All you need is to create a Fonts folders in your storage card and copy your favorite fonts (.ttf) from your PC to your just create Fonts folder in you Storage Card.

CeFTP: FTP Client available for free at Henri's j7xx Pages now in English.
Microsoft ActiveSync 3.7 Released (5/6/03)

Jornada 720 RAM upgrade to 64 MB from PPCTechs. 

This is without any doubt a good deal. I know PPCTech from my work with PPCs and they have and always had a good reputation, so you can trust your lovely j720s to these guys because they really know what they are doing ;).

Realone runs in Jornada 720 and a Real solution for GAPI in 720s.

Finally I found a solution for many of the problems I was having with a gx.dll (GAPI) for the Jornada 720s. The solution came from PocketMatrix forum where Sergey Chaban  posted a redesigned gx.dll I tested that dll with Realone and runs, I was able to see video!!!! 

List of programs from PPC that runs in HPC.

How to read HTML mail? 

This solution was recommended by Jose Aguas (a yahoo newsgroup user) 

"To read HTML mails install nPop.exe

Open the nPop.ini and edit the lines:
Now open the mail message -> file -> External viewer to launch PIE

I have to say that I tested and it worked for me just changing the ViewFileSuffix and leaving the ViewApp equal to blank ;)

A really simple solution but works very well and on top of it: Free.

Free space in your RAM

(a backup is required before you start with this trick)

Some programs install DLL files in the Windows folder no matter if you have selected your Storage Card as the destination of those programs. So knowing how to set a System Path in our HPC2000 I thought that could be possible to move some of those dlls to a folder in my CF card called System that was previously set for me as part of my System Path. Well, after a few tests and one hard reset ;) I was able to move from my RAM to my CF card  1.5 Mb of those DLLs. Basically I was able to move all DLL from bSquare Tools, bFax, sparklib.dll  and one Dll (smw1gce.dll = 800kb) from TextMaker.

How can I make transparent the Icon Names in your Desktop?

To do this you can find a software called DeSappear but.... how this is done? 


Open your registry and go to:

"SysColor"=ae,a8,d9,00,00,00,00,00,5a,4e,b1,00......(the rest of this very long value)

The colors are represented with a Hex value formed by 4 pares. That means, every each 4 pares you have a color for a different property. In this case I highlighted in green the color for the background of the Icon name, 00 00 00 00 means Black, but in your case could be any other four pares because this depend of what Scheme you have selected in your Control Panel\Display property (the default color is  3A 6E A5 00 - Green). The main thing is to skip the first four pares and work with the second four pares. All you have to do is to overwrite that part with FF FF FF FF which means White. So at the end your key will look like this:


Do a soft reset after this changes so you can see the result in your Desktop. 

This trick is also revealed for the first time in this site. ;)


If you need BT without losing the shape of your HPC because of the antenna, you should consider to buy this CF card from Socket. Also I would recommend you to read this article so you can have a whole picture about the advantages of using BlueTooth instead WiFi. For example, I liked the idea of having a BlueTooth Modem so I can connect my HPC without having any cable attached or any PC kept ON so I can use the Shared Internet Access. Just think about, a WiFi card use around 170 mA of power versus 40 mA that consumes a Socket BlueTooth CF Card, more than 4 time less power, that means more browsing time without having to recharge the battery :D

What is behind the HPC Identification Patch?

This Patch needs to be added to the device registry in order for eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 and eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0 to recognize the platform and allow files to be downloaded properly.

What this option in Tweaks2k2 does is to create a new registry string (REG_SZ) value call Platform in this key:


HKLM\Windows CE Tools


Platform should be equal to {0F9D255B-97DA-4641-A8E6-7A7411D2472F}


That's all.

System Path in HPC2000


Yes, like in any Windows or DOS machine you can set a search path for the system files. The only difference is that in the case of Windows CE, it uses a registry key for this matter.


 But what is the use of this property?


Let say.... that you want to run some PPC2002 applications, and you found that they use two files from the PPC2002 OS: aygshell.dll and the doclist.dll. You need to find the way that those PPC2002 applications find these two System Files.  


There are many solutions for this problem. You can create a folder called System  in your Storage Card and copy these files into that folder. Install in your HPC the PHM Registry editor, open the registry key HKLM, create a key called Loader, inside of this key  create a New Multi-String value called SystemPath (HKLM\Loader\SystemPath), the Value should be equal to Storage Card\System\, close the registry editor and do a soft reset. Now you will be able to run all your PPC application that only need those two files. If you need more than one path each new folder added should be enter in a new line on the same registry key HKLM\Loader\SystemPath, in the following picture you can see an example where I have two folders: Storage Card\Test\ and Storage Card\System\


Smooth Scroll in Internet Explorer

Open your registry editor and look for this key:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Change the key SmoothScroll value from no to yes

You will notice that when you scroll up or down a web page the screen movement is smoother. 

(Note: this trick is being revealed for the first time here in this page and has been added to Tweaks2k2 in version 0.3) 

PocketSpark and Macromedia 6 

Sorry guys! I thought I had a solution for this problem but the latest tests I have done revealed that I was wrong. Macromedia 6 for PPC does not have any effect on Pocket Spark. I apologize for this mis-information. 

PocketMVP the best, in my opinion, multimedia player for HPC has released a new version. Version 0.8R Changes (as of 3/24/2003): 1) Fixed issue with performance introduced with .8Q,  2) Fixed some mpeg-1 issues with new decoder.

Looking for cool skins for your PocketMVP? 

Take a look of these skins.

Can I use Pocket PC applications in my Jornada 720? 

This information is provided for educational purpose only.

Well, recently a friend of mine from Spain found a way to change some Pocket PC freeware so they can be used in his HPC2000. The trick is simple. This guy copied from his PPC 3 files: aygshell.dll, mfcce300.dll and doclist.dll. Then he renamed the mfcce300.dll to mfcce30x.dll. After that he took the exe from the program he wanted to run in his HPC, opened with a HexEditor and look for the string mfcce300.dll and replaced the last "0" by a "x". Then he installed the application in his HPC and after that replaced the application EXE with  the EXE by him edited. 

Here is a list of  PPC applications that has been tested and run in HPC using the above described method (note: the applications in this list are freeware or just application that have been legally bought for users and them "changed" so they can use them in the HPCs). 

Please Read this Note

How can I make IE to save the cache, cookies and history files in my Storage Card?

This trick is published for the first time in the web, here in this site! 

Open the registry and change these keys:

 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

Cache="\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files"

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

Cookies= "\Storage Card\Cookies"


HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

History="\Storage Card\History"

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths

Directory= "\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files"

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\Path1

CachePath= "\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\Cache1"


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\Path2

CachePath="\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\Cache2"


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\Path3

CachePath="\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\Cache3"

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\Path4

CachePath="\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\Cache4"


scare? well the good news is that Tweaks2k2 can do this for you!

 Anatomy of a Jornada 720.

Should be installed The 128 bits Encryption pack in a Jornada 720? 

the 128 bits Security pack installs a file called schannel.dll in your windows folder, if you check the one in the Jornada 720 the size of the original one in there is about 97Kb and dated in 07/14/00, the one installed by the pack from MS is about 127 Kb and dated in 03/01/01 so my answer to this topic is YES it should be installed at least in the Jornada 720 because it includes some new stuff. ;) 

This patch is available at Microsoft Web Site.

How I can change the User Agent of IE on my 720?


Yes, it can be done.


If you want to do it manually these are the registry keys that should be changed:


entVersion\Internet Settings]
"User Agent"="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) "

rentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent]
"Platform"="Windows NT 5.1"
"Version"="MSIE 6.0"

This is a copy of my HP 720 registry  pretending to be MSIE 6.0, in blue are the keys that should be changed and in red the value.

If you are afraid of doing these changes by your self you can use Tweaks2k2 for HPC, it will do it for you. ;) 


To Authors: Please make available a version of your software for HPC2000. This community will appreciate your effort. 

To Users: Some methods described in this page could be considered reverse engineering by authors, this page is publishing them only to show authors and users the enormous possibilities that our HPC devices have. Please read the software distribution agreement so you are not violating any law by using the above information. If you have any doubt, please contact the developer of the software. Do not ask  for any of the PPC2002 files mentioned here, this page is not distributing them. The information about how to run PPC2002 applications in your HPC is for users who own a PPC2002 and own the different software mentioned here.  


Note: This page is not responsible for any damage to your Jornada 720/728 for using the information here provided. 

A New Way to Play HangMan.


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