PC Counselor's Software List

KeybSkin for Windows Mobile 2003                                                 KeybSkin para Windows Mobile 2003

KeybSkin v1.0.0

Now you can select from 9 different skin colors for you default Windows Mobile 2003 keyboard. This program will detect the Pocket PC language and select between English and Spanish keyboard skins.

Ahora puedes seleccionar entre 9 diferentes colores para tu teclado en Windows Mobile 2003. ¡Y en español si tu teclado y Pocket PC están en ese idioma.!

Graphic Design Angel Garcia.

Introductory Price: $9.00






Demo Version 

Special Price at Paypal




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Note: Demo version becomes full version after the registration. 

Updates: Use the demo version to update this program in case that it's needed. 

Shipping WordWide!


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