Tweaks2K2 .NET for ARM & XScale v3.22.0
Windows Mobile 2003SE, VGA & Windows Mobile 5 Compatible!
Tweaks2K2, the Winner of SmartPhone & PocketPC Magazine 2005 Award, is the ultimate easy to use software for hacking your PDA Registry, the biggest collection of hacks with 116 different registry tricks and 2 screens with important information about your pda. With tricks that nobody have seen before in any other tweaks application for PocketPC.
Hacks in this version:
(Warning: some of the hacks below listed might not work in your device. Please, check the trial version before you buy it)
1-Use Cleartype as System Font
2-Italic System Font
3-Bold System Font Modified in 3.2.0
4-Select a system font from fonts installed in your device
5-Animated Windows
6-Speed up the Display
7-Card battery warning
8-Low WMP background quality
9-Start Menu Animation
10-Admin Password
11-Show Network Folder
12-Battery Warning Settings
13-Date and Time in the top bar (Now you can pick from None, Time, Date and Both)
14-Transparent iPaq (36xx series)
15-Change the long date format in Today's screen
16-Change the wake up power off time to 60 seconds
17-Change the system font size Modified in 2.5.2
18-Narrow the scroll bars Modified in 2.5.2
19-Increase Inbox Font
20-Contrast Control for Toshiba e740 and Dell x50/1 Modified in 3.11.1..0
21-Identify PIE as IE 6.0
22-Use Cleartype in PIE
23-Move PIE temp files to any of your storage cards
24-Max TCP windows size
25-Letter Recognizer as Default
26-Block Recognizer as Default
27-Wordlogic ( as Default
28-Show Letter Recognizer in the list of Input Methods (keyboards)
29-Show Block Recognizer in the list of Input Methods (keyboards)
30-Show Transcriber in the list of Input Methods (keyboards)
31-Show CE-Star ( in the list of Input Methods (keyboards)
32-Show PenPower ( in the list of Input Methods (keyboards)
33-Change the color of Today lines
34-Change the color of Today font
35-Change the color of the font in the top bar
36-Change the color of bottom bar
37-Change the color of top bar (left)
38-Change the color of top bar (right)
39-Change the Start Menu font color
40-Change the Tap & Hold Dots color
41-Change the identity of NetFront 3.x from to MSIE 6.0 (this only works with the registered version of this software) Modified in 3.9.1
42-Change the start time of the working day in the calendar
43-Change the end time of the working day in the calendar
44-Change the free days in the week
45-NanoPad as Default Input Method (
46-Enable BlueTooth HeadSet support for HPiPaq 5400
47-Creates a Wireless Ethernet Icon in Settings\Connections (only for WM2k3)
48-Hide Admin Password (Policy) (2k2=
49-Hide About Icon
50-Hide Owner Icon
51-Hide Buttons Icon
52-Hide Menus Icon
53-Hide Today Icon
54-Hide Password Icon
55-Hide Connections Icon
56-Hide Beam Icon (only WM2k3)
57-Hide Network Icon
58-TenGO as Default Input Method (
59-Download up to 8 files simultaneously
60- 6 Suggested words in SIP
61-Caching SSL Pages
62-Reset Soft Reset Counter to 0
63-Alarm Fix for Windows Mobile 2003
64-Wake Up PPC in full Power Mode
65-Change the identity of Netfront 3.x to MS Pocket Internet Explorer Modified in 3.9.1
66-Save the email attachment in the selected storage card. Modified in 3.10.1
67-Enable ClearType in Landscape (WM2003SE)
68-Turn Off ActiveX Controls
69-Turn Off Scripting
70-Show Scripts errors
71-Force SSL Off in Inbox
72-Enable/Disable Zero Configuration
73-Change the default keyboard skin in WM2003 Spanish and English ROM (screen shot)
74-Screen rotation for Toshibas e310 and iPaqs h5400 and h5500
75-Double Pixeling deactivation for individual programs in VGA Devices. Modified in
76-Allows you to move dlls from \Windows to any Storage Device Modified in 3.10.0
77-Allows hx4700 users to select any folder to keep the Dockware pictures.
78-Allows hx4700 users to rotate the screen in 180 degrees. That allows to use Control Remote software more efficiently.
79-Disables the ATI BitMap Cache, this feature is known for causing error message in hx4700 when owner try to use a program made in .NET.
80-Clean the Recent Program List
81-Allows to change the default Terminal Service Client Port in your Pocket PC to any desired port.
82-Allows to disable the 'hold'-function of the hardware buttons which usually allows you to assign a second function/shortcut to a button in Loox 720s. This function causes a significant lag in button hit registration when playing games.
83-Smooth scrolling in Pocket Internet Explorer
84-Allows users to synchronize the device clock with NIST Internet Time Service (ITS).
85-Show AM or PM in the top bar clock
86-Small letters in Pocket Internet Explorer
87-Allows hx4700 owners to disable the TouchPad
88-Allows hx4700 owners to Turn OFF/ON the WiFi/BT LED
89-Disables BT/WiFi LED in HTC Blue Angels
90-Disables Power LED in HTC Blue Angels
91-Increase keyboard light time in HTC Blue Angels
92-Allows hx4700 owners to Turn ON/OFF the Power LED
93-Allows hx4700 owners to set the Power LED to Blink
94-Disables all LEDs in HTC Magician
95-Enables an editor in the Album application of HTC Magician
96-SMS Delivery Notification always ON
97-Unlimited 3gp recording. By default if you want to record a video en 3gp format you are limited to a 95 kb video or a few seconds. This trick will end with this limitations
98-Allows the registry mode from hive based registry to file based registry in Windows Mobile 5 (May not work in all devices)
99-Hide the Screen Rotation icon in i-mate JAMs
100-Change the location of NetFront Cache Folder
101-Increase PNP (Plug and Play) Unload Delay (More Info)
102-GPRS always ON
103-Enables the keyboard status indicator in HTC Wizard/QTek
104-Allows to select Microsoft Voice Commander as default dialer in Jasjar and other Phone Edition devices from HTC.
105-Remapping of Today Soft Keys
106-Optimum Cache Size for WM5
107-Access Restriction to change the device time
108-Allow users to disable the 3 seconds delay between rings in devices with Windows Mobile Phone Edition
109-Disable the PIE cache, something that is helpful if you want to safe some RAM/ROM and for those with High Speed internet connection this hack will increase the browser performance a little bit due to the fact that the browser will use less operations in slow memory.
110-A new hack for Jasjar users. Now they will be able to change the default PIE Home Page Key (keyboard) remapping it to the default PIE Home Page.
111-Allow users to change the POP3 port
112-Allow users to change the IMAP4 port
113-Added Blazer support - Blazer is the browser in Palm OS, many pages are formatted to be used in Palms but not in Pocket PC, that means that when you browse them from your Pocket PC you are not redirected to the mobile version of the site because the page only recognize Blazer as a mobile browser. This hack will fix this issue redirecting you to the mobile version of the site.
114- GPRS Disconnect Button: This option enables a disconnect button for GPRS connections to appear in the connectivity list.
115- Disables Message Sent Warning
116- Prevent from going into Flight Mode: This hack works in some CDMA phones and it prevents the phone from going into Flight Mode if you accidentally press the End Call button for too long.
117- Allow to change the Today screen top and bottom bar color in WM5
118- Hide Date and Time from Inbox email list
119- Allows connecting a PPC to AP that only accept 802.11G devices.
120- Do not delete CAB files after installation
121- Set Security Prompt OFF
122- Hide the screen orientation settings in Start/Settings/Display
123- You can add a word to your Today Screen Bottom Section
124- Optimized cache option for Terminal Service Client
125- Increase the backlight on time to 30s in some devices with keyboards
126- Stops NavPoint Service that causes slowness in hx4700 machines updated with WM5 New
2.5.2-Now the system font size and the scroll bar size options have been optimized for VGAs devices using real VGA (SE_VGA).
2.6.0- Added two more tricks for hx4700 users and optimized the code to be used in this machine.
2.7.0- Added two more hacks. Rewritten part of the code to make it full compatible with hx4700 avoiding the ATI BitMap cache bug. Added compatibility with Italian Pocket PCs.
2.8.0- Redone part of the code in the System Hacks screen to resolve incompatibility with other programs. Added two more hacks.
2.9.0- Added a new option.
3.0.0- Added a new option. Changed the whole graphic design making it full VGA compatible. Changed the registration procedure, old key are not longer valid.
3.1.0- Added a new option and modified another to add support for the Dell x50.
3.2.0- Added a new option and added support to Japanese and Chinese ROMs (Owner name in Latin alphabet is needed).
3.3.0- Added two more hacks for hx4700 owners.
3.4.0- Added 3 more hacks for HTC Blue Angels.
3.5.0- Added 2 more hacks for hx4700 owners.
3.6.0- Added 1 more hack for HTC Magician owners.
3.7.0- Added 1 more hack for HTC Magician owners.
3.8.0- Added 2 more hacks for HTC SmartPhones owners.
3.9.0- Made full compatible with Windows Mobile 5 and added a new hack for this Operating System.
3.9.1- Added support to NetFront 3.2
3.9.2- Code Optimization.
3.10.0- A registry hack for i-mate JAMs added.
3.10.1- The option of Saving Attachments to Storage Card have been reviewed and modified to fix incompatibilities with Windows Mobile 2003 and SE.
3.11.0- Added support to NetFront 3.3 and two more registry hacks.
3.11.1- Some hacks were modified to fully support WM5. VGA Brute Force Modified to support the X51v. Contrast Control Applet Hack Modified to support the X51v.
3.12.0- Added a new hack for devices with Windows Mobile 5 Phone Edition.
3.13.0- Added 3 new hacks.
3.14.0- Added a new never seen hack for WM5
3.15.0- Added a new never seen before hack for all devices.
3.16.0- Added 1 new hack for Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile Phone Edition.
3.17.0- Fixed a bug, added two hacks. Full migrated to Visual Studio 2005.
3.19.0- A new screen was created to regroup all hacks relative to Windows Mobile Phone Edition. 4 New hacks were added.
3.20.0- Added 6 new registry hacks, one of them never seen before in any other application. Optimization of code and unneeded files (100Kb smaller EXE).
3.21.0- Added 3 new registry hacks.
3.22.0- Added a new hack for hx4700 owners
This program only works in Devices using Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Chinese** and English ROM.
Note: The trial version is for new users only.
Upgrade Policy: One Year of free upgrades.
Graphic Designer: Sebastian (Jorlin) A. Potthoff
Former Graphic Designers: Cristina Alonso & Alberto Calva
Keyboard Skins: Ángel García.
Assistant Programmer: Ángel García and César Fong.
English Spelling Corrections: Curtis Matthiesen
* - Move dlls to the faster Storage Device, if it's possible to ROM Store. SD Devices are slower and in some cases they could cause some problems with this trick.
** - The owner information in the device has to be in Latin Alphabet in Chinese and Japanese ROMs. Users wont be able to run Tweaks2k2 if the Owner Info is in Chinese or Japanese.