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(How to make PPC applications run in HPCs)

Jornada 720

Last Update: October 14, 2004 05:42 PM


If you know about any other software for PPC that runs in a HPC2000, please let me know about it and I will be glad to include it in this list. 

To close the application use Alt+tap on top of the taskbar button.

Netfront 3 (Thanks to Raffaello Gisondi for reporting this one). Put aygshell, mfcce300, olece300 in the same folder where NetFront is located. Rename mfcce300 and olece300 in mfcce30x and olece30x. Open the Netfront.exe with binary editor and change the strings mfcce300 and olece300 in mfcce30x and olece30x. Take a note, in this case another file should be changed: olece300.dll which make this case different than other cases. 
RealOne Player this one just need the aygshell.dll file from PPC2002 and nyditot to change the orientation of the screen. Thanks to one of my friends who pointed me into the right direction I found a gx.dll  file (more information) that allows to watch videos using this player. Use the Alt button to gain access to the menus and exit the program.
Adobe Acrobat Reader. 
ACDSee Mobile for Windows CE
TV Remote Controller
Pocket Blinds - Check this review in spanish (by changing the string aygshell.dll by ceshell.dll - trick found by Fingertip)
ZioGolf but it needs Nyditot to rotate the screen of your HPC.
Pocket PC Dictionary - in this case you need the aygshell.dll and the mfgce30x.dll, the exe has to be edited with the Hexedit to change the call to mfgce301.dll to mfgce30x.dll. Also you have to run it once, find the registry key for the program and add two new keys under Option,  DataPath (String)= "to where the dictionaries are located", and LargeFonts (dword) = 1

Note: This page is not responsible for any damage to your Jornada 720 for using the information here provided. 

Note to Authors: Please make available a version of these software for HPC. This community will appreciate your effort. 

Tweaks2k2 - Vote for this product in Handango's People's Choice Awards!


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